The Big NYC Opening

The date has finally been announced, November 2nd, 2020, at 10:00 AM PST. The long awaited “Big Opening of NYC” in Upland has arrived! There has been lots of buzz in the official Upland Discord Server since the announcement was made. The UPX Podcast’s, “New York Minute” provided some valuable pieces of information to take note of.

Flying to NYC

If you plan on traveling to NYC from San Francisco (Fresno residents would first need to take the train to San Fran, as there is no airport in Fresno… yet), you will need to send your BlockExplorer to the San Francisco International Airport. In game, you will need to zoom out until the airport button is visible.

Be prepared to drop 2,580 UPX on your plane ticket (one-way), and plan in advance. The flight is approximately 45 minutes. Our suggestion is to board your flight prior to going to sleep on Sunday night, so that you wake up Monday morning already at JFK and ready to depart the plane.

Upland SF Airport

Departing the Plane, and Teleporting to Manhattan

Once you arrive at JFK, you will need to de-plane, and then teleport to a property in Manhattan. If you do not currently own in NYC, then you’ll need to pay a visiting fee to teleport to an owned property. Any light blue or dark green property will suffice. Just be wary of high-priced NY visitor fees (100 UPX is commonplace).

The Big Plan

If you don’t have a NY property wish list, and are just looking to splurge or be part of the action, here is a list of the most likely areas to see high volume buying:

  • Financial District – Base Price 480 *
  • Little Italy – Base Price 720
  • Theatre District – Base Price 450
  • Upper East Side – Base price 450
* additional base price modifier expected

Thrift Shopping in NY

There are several neighborhoods that have very low neighborhood base prices. This means you’re likely able to find smaller sized properties in the 2,000 to 3,000 UPX range. These include, Washington Heights, Hudson Heights, Inwood, Fort George, Hamilton Heights, Harlem, Sugar Hill, and Marble Hill.

Landmarks and Auctions

To celebrate the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, Upland will be holding an auction of three notable properties on Monday and Tuesday.

  • Barack Obama’s Home while at Columbia University (142 W 109th St)
  • Federal Hall (26 Wall St, New York)
  • Trump Tower (721 5th Ave)


We fully expect the “Big NY Opening” to be full of great finds, buys, and surprises. Good luck to all making the trip! If you have any questions on what your next steps should be, feel free to reach out to @TDavis in Discord, or on Twitter, @UplandLI.


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