Shafter: The Purple with Potential

My investment strategy rarely involves purchasing secondary market properties for 80,000 UPX.

An ideal investment for me is a fresh mint on a new neighborhood with collection potential.In most cases I stray from the secondary market if I can. I made an exception for the floor

properties in Shafter... 


Low markup for the city

The markup in Shafter is proof the properties are undervalued. If you look at Temescal

(An Oakland purple collection) you will see that the floor price is lower than Shafter, but the markup

on floor price properties is often in the 1000s of per cent. Shafter floor price markup is between 300

and 600% at the time of writing, not to mention the collection gives you 1,000 more bonus UPX and

+0.10 more of a collection multiplier. 

Neighborhood size

Shafter is the perfect size for some ambitious new Fiat in CE to make a purple node. This is entirely

speculation, but if there was going to be a collection node or at least an attempt to take a large portion

of a collection neighborhood, Shafter could be a good bet. The area has modest development and a

good mix of property sizes that work for Upland development. 

The Genesis city effect

San Francisco is the Genesis city, owning property in SF will go up as long as the player base of Upland

goes up. This is proven by the fact that the floor price of a non-collection property is 40,000 UPX. For

this reason the cities surrounding San Francisco will also likely see a boost, especially if they’re still one

of the original cities. As people look to buy properties close to the safe value store of San Francisco

their heads will likely go first to Oakland where they will see more affordable collections. 

None of my points are financial advice and I am open to the idea of being wrong about Shafter, but the

properties were good enough to convince me to invest. If your strategy is centered around long-term

property appreciation like mine, Shafter could be exactly what you’re looking for. 


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