Upland NFT Mining

What is Upland NFT Mining?

Upland Comics & Collectibles is excited to partner with CryptomonKeys and MetaForce Comics to bring NFT mining to Upland.  But what exactly does that mean?  Is this a game mechanic produced by the Upland team?  No, this is not provided by Upland, but you do need to be in the Upland game to participate. 

Upland has not at any time promised NFT giveaways or direct peer to peer gifting in app and it doesn't appear anywhere on their roadmap.  As they have an exciting and ever growing set of future mechanics available though, it very well may be a possibility.  But, until such time that they do, Upland Comics has decided to go for it themselves.

The idea initially has been tested by the CryptomonKeys team in Alien Worlds.  Though Alien Worlds does have a plan to provide in game NFT distribution by individual land owners, that function isn't just ready.  So CryptomonKeys has been doing it manually, check out their monKeymining page for more details on that.  But the basics are, if you come and mine of CryptomonKeys lands, you have a chance of winning CryptomonKeys cards.  Us on the CryptomonKeys team have been discussing bringing the mining to Upland and this is the launch of the pilot program.

This launch was also timed with the launch of the MetaForce promo stickers drops.  To learn more about those drops check out this article on the MetaForce medium page.  While these drops are happening leading up to the May 1st MetaForce pack sale, stickers will also be dropping in Upland.

A script will be run roughly, but not exactly, weekly.  Based on each day there will be a wheel of names spun to award both MetaForce and CryptomonKeys NFTs.  What this means is you can enter as many times as you like each day just by visiting the Upland Comics locations in Upland.  There will be 8 locations at launch, 4 in each current Upland city.  As more cities are added, or as more WAX properties are added to the Upland Comics mining program more and/or different properties will be listed on the Upland Comics webpage.  That page should be where you refer for the most current list of mining locations in Upland.

If you are not yet an Uplander, simply join by using this link. After joining head to the city of your choosing and visit one of the mining spots.  If you join, do yourself a favor and immediately join the official Upland discord server.  There are tons of great people just waiting to help.

Upland is free to play, but you get a lot farther a lot faster if you put a few bucks into the game.  You will get a 50% bonus of UPX for your first fiat purchase, but it's a one time bonus, so use it wisely.  UPX is a cryptocurrency token on the EOS blockchain and is the utility token used in Upland to purchase properties.  Currently your wallet does not allow you to extract UPX from the game, no timeline is available as of yet if or when that may change.

So, on to the mining.  I will provide here the list of addresses used at launch.  All you have to do is simply visit those addresses in Upland.  Each visit will count as a mining attempt.  Visit as many times as you like, there is no limit on mining attempts. 

Please be careful, if you are reading this article some time after it has been posted these may have changed.  Check back to the Upland Comics website regularly to get the most updated list.  Also, since there is no way to associate an Upland account to a wax address currently you will need to fill out this form so we can send you the NFTs.

CryptomonKey Mining

Little Italy (Manhattan)
NFT Mine & Gallery - 133 Mulberry Street

Park Slope (Brooklyn)
NFT Mine & Gallery - 15 4th Avenue

Merced Manor (SF)
NFT Mine & Block Explorer Shop - 170 Junipero Serra Boulevard

Central Fresno (Fresno)
 NFT Mine & Gallery -2926 Tulare St

MetaForce Mining

Little Italy (Manhattan)
MetaForce Mine & Gallery - 142 Mulberry Street

Park Slope (Brooklyn)
MetaForce Mine & Gallery - 617 Pacific Street

Merced Manor (SF)
MetaForce Mine & Gallery - 80 Junipero Serra Boulevard

Little Italy (Fresno)
  MetaForce Mine & Gallery -1426 C St

Blogs & Websites: https://www.uplanduncovered.com/https://www.crypto-uncovered.com/

https://www.recouriercrypto.com/,  https://www.uplandcomics.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/recourier

Uplandme, Inc is not responsible for any content or any other public communication by me on this or any other medium.


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